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10 Fun Things to Do Outside on a Snowy Winter Day

Snowman - Rolf Handke  /
The last few days have been really cold in Switzerland. It's become a routine to put on warm winter boots, a warm hat, a scarf, a warm winter coat and mittens before leaving the house. Without them it probably would be rather unpleasant outside.

However, the cold also has advantages. It's cold enough for the ghastly gray rain to turn into beautiful white snow. And when the sun breaks through the clouds the winter day is perfect for some fun activities outside.

10 Fun Things to Do Outside on a Snowy Winter Day

Obviously, one of the main winter outdoor activities in Switzerland is skiing. Almost every Swiss child learns it from an early age. It's like learning to swim or to ride a bike - it's simply part of a Swiss childhood. Yet, there are many other fun things you can do outside on a snowy winter day in Switzerland. Here are some suggestions:
  1. Go skiing or snowboarding in one of the many ski resorts in Switzerland; if you don't have a car to get you to the mountains you might want to have a look at Snow'n'Rail which offers great deals for trains and day passes. 
  2. Build a snowman with your friends even if you are all grown ups and real serious about life :)
  3. Start a snowball fight - if you want, create a fancy environment with snow walls and towers first, it'll make things more interesting
  4. Go iceskating on your local iceskating rink. In Zurich the Dolder Eisbahn ist most famous and even features ice discos once a week.
  5. Go sledding! You can do this on the hill in your neighborhood or on real sledding slopes all over Switzerland, for example on the Rigi mountain. There is a slope in Zurich also on the Uetliberg.
  6. Visit a Christmas market - if you don't know where the best Christmas markets are located consult this list of Switzerland's best Christmas markets 2012.
  7. Try snow shoe hiking in the Swiss alps. Several places offer guided snow shoe tours and in some locations there are also pre-marked trails.
  8. Book a night to sleep in an iglu in one of Switzerland's iglu villages
  9. Have a winter cookout and make some hot Glühwein or marroni over a fire. 
  10. Make snow candy - I know, this is probably not a very Swiss activity. As far as I know, it is more a Canadian or American tradition. Still fun though! :)

Can you think of any other activities that should be on this list of fun things to do outside on a snowy winter day? Let me know!



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